Checklist-A-Day Challenge

Checklist-A-Day Challenge

On January 1, 2018, I embarked on a lofty goal: to submit an eBird checklist every single day that year. This was inspired by a checklist-a-day challenge, sponsored by eBird, for a chance to win a pair of binoculars. Most days I easily fulfilled my goal with at least one bird outing each day, even if it was as simple as watching birds from my window or as I walked to work. On other days, I had to peel myself away from whatever was occupying my time to sneak in an uninspired bird count. But by December 31, 2018, I had done it: 365 consecutive days of eBird lists.

What started as a fun annual goal became a multi-year obsession.

Daily birding became such a happy habit that I continued it through 2019. I kept going in 2020, where it was especially useful to keep me grounded through the pandemic. 2021 was another nutty year, but I documented the birds in eBird every single day. Then in 2022, in spite of a move and a hellishly hot summer, I managed to log in my birds.

It’s a couple weeks into 2023 and I see no signs of stopping this practice. It’s relaxing and meditative, while connecting me with nature for a little bit every single day. In my new area, curious (or perhaps suspicious) neighbors stop to ask me why I’m wearing binoculars in the neighborhood, and it’s been a great opportunity to raise a little awareness of local birds. Perhaps it will plant a seed of interest for a future conservationist, or at least someone who will appreciate and care for the birds.

After five years, I haven’t won a pair of binoculars from the eBird challenge, but I’ve gained so much more by inviting a rich birding experience that threads through each day of the year.

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