Martin Luther King Jr. Regional Shoreline

If you’re on the way to the Oakland Airport and have some time to spare, this gem of a birding spot is the perfect place to unwind. I’ve only begun to explore this park, but every time I go, I leave with a good list of birds.
A popular spot to bird, fish, or play with kids is at the farthest parking lot after driving in. Arrowhead Marsh features grassy areas and a marsh that attracts some really cool birds.
Northern Mockingbirds are bountiful here. Sparrows dance all over the grass. A Burrowing Owl has made this their residence and fences were erected to protect their nesting spot. Wintering waterfowl love to hang out in the water. I recommend bringing a scope, or at the very least binoculars, to better see the Common Goldeneyes, Ruddy Ducks, Buffleheads, and a variety of grebes.
One of the more magical experiences for me happened just this weekend as a number of Ridgway Rails chattered all around me. I officially recorded four for my eBird checklist to be conservative, but it’s highly likely that there were many more. We were lucky enough to spot one close by, as these rails are typically shy and well-camouflaged.
This park is frequented by locals who play with their kids, bike, jog around the perimeter, and fish. The birds seem accustomed to human presence which makes careful study of all the variety of birds easier.